Ziņojumu kopsavilkumi

ERDF co-funded project "Funding of international projects in research and innovation at Rezekne Academy of Technologies


NICOLE NAU (Adama Mickeviča Universitāte Poznaņā) - Latgaliešu tekstpratības attīstība: No prakses caur tekstiem uz prasmēm
BIRTE ARENDT (University of Greifswald) - Education through Digitalization? - Learning Potentials for Regional and Minority Languages
KADRI KOREINIK (University of Tartu) - “The other Estonian language” at the nexus of power and technology: how a language becomes visible?

PARALĒLĀS SESIJAS Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmijā 16.06.2022

TOMASZ WICHERKIEWICZ - Joys, Sorrows and Fears of the Latgalian Written Language
SNORRE KARKONENS-SVENSONS (Snorre Karkkonen Svensson) - Latgaliešu valoda iesācējiem: kad mazāk lietota valoda ir svešvaloda
NICOLE DOŁOWY-RYBIŃSKA - Ideological debates around Kashubian language education and literacy
CLAIRE NEEDLER - It just feels like I’m writing it wrong: Learning to write Scots, focussing on building pupil and teacher confidence and self-esteem alongside literacy skills development
ANTRA KĻAVINSKA - Korpuspratība latgaliešu valodas mācību procesā: īpašvārdu apguves iespējas
ANGELIKA JUŠKO-ŠTEKELE - Korpuspratības iespējas folkloras izpratnes diagnostikā Latgales kultūrtelpā
PETTERI LAIHONEN, JÁNOS IMRE HELTAI & CSANÁD BODÓ - Grassroots literacy in educational context of the Moldavian Csángó and a local Romani vernacular in Hungary
TYMOTEUSZ KRÓL - Attitudes towards Wymysorys. The case of literacy in the 21th century
MACIEJ MĘTRAK - Can the business help a contested language? The role of commercial projects in standardization of Silesian in Poland
PIOTR SZATKOWSKI - Literacy amongst the rememberers and new speakers of a moribound variety – why is it so hard? The case of Masurian in the 21st century
ANTONY HOYTE-WEST - Towards greater literacy in regional languages: pointers from Central and Eastern Europe for the Anglophone Caribbean
ARETOUSA GIANNAKOU & KALLIOPI VAKIRLI - Translanguaging and critical literacy in a bidialectal setting: The case of the Cypriot Greek dialect
TANKÓ ENIKŐ - A Study on the Effect of English in the Language Use of L1 Speakers of Hungarian in Romania
ERIKA-MÁRIA TÓDOR - Linguistics concepts, educational policy, language use in minority settings
KEREM APTOURACHIM OGLOU - In the Grip of Hellenism Regional Languages in Western Thrace of Greece
ABDUL AWAL - State, law and constitution about languages in Bangladesh
AUSMA SPRUKTE - Latgalīšu volūda školuos: školānu I školuotuoju pīredze
ARTZAI GASPAR - A pedagogical intervention to foster academic language skills and metalinguistic competence in secondary education
Mikel GARTZIARENA - Pre-service teachers’ Multilingual language teaching approaches in the Basque Country
MACIEJ BANDUR - Vowel Alternations in New Speakers’ Kashubian in diachronic perspective

Latgales vēstniecība "Gors" 17.06.2022

SULLÕV IVA - Võro language technology - possibilities and use
LAURA VASILIAUSKAITĖ - Research plan for dissertation "Possibilities of ethnical emancipation within a regional language in Samogitia, Latgale, and Võro-Seto"
LIENE VOROŅENKO -Tekstpratība Latvijā: izaicinājumi un tuvākie plāni
ILGA ŠUPLINSKA - "Tava klase" koncepts - mūsdienīga mācību vide un atvērtība daudzveidībai
HEIKO F. MARTEN - Reading and Writing Latgalian as a Normality for Everybody: Suggestions for Shaping a Latgalian Linguistic Landscape
SANITA MARTENA - Place-based education: kod pogosts kliust par vuiceibu klasi i korpuss – par pogostu
DIĀNA ŽILINSKA - Reģionālās valodas apguves un lietojuma nozīme jauniešu vecumposmā multikulturālās vides apstākļos
EVIKA MUIZNIECE - Ko un kā mācīt latgaliešu valodas stundās: skolēnu viedoklis