Who We are?

We are a group of RTA researchers and students who are interested in languages and cultures and who have focused on the development of digital resources of Latgalian language in several projects of the State Research Programme. If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us!

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"2009. godā UNESCO publicēja Pasauļa apdraudātūs volūdu atlantu, tymā volūdys klasificātys piec apdraudiejuma pakuopem. Par latgalīšu volūdu nūruodeits, ka tei ir naaizsorguota, vīgli īvainojama (angliski: vulnerable). Volūdys, kuruom daškierta itei apdraudiejuma pakuope, lītoj ari vairums bārnu, bet atseviškuos jūmuos volūdys lītuojums var byut īrūbežuots."

Vineta Vilcāne
Vineta Vilcāne
Latgalian activist, Journalist

"Focusing on norms and correctness may discourage young people from using the language and make fluent elder speakers unsure of their competence. Regional variation (dialects) makes Latgalian richer; the same may be true for other types of variation, if accepted."

Nicole Nau
Nicole Nau
Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland

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